Esta clase é impartida polo profesor Mr. Jim Risk a un grupo duns 15
estudantes de Grade 12 que corresponde ao noso 2º de BAC.
Trátase dun curso de escritura creativa moi dinámico e motivador no que os
alumnos estudan textos de distintos xéneros e logo escriben empregando técnicas
similares. As actividades mestúranse facendo así unha clase moi dinámica e
Estas son algunhas das actividades que levaron a cabo e que poden dar ideas
para as nosas propias clases. En tódolos casos foros explicadas e
contextualizadas minuciosamente.
Write about your first lie and how you
felt at the time.
Write a description of a picture. Then
another students draws a picture following this description. Both pictures are
compared and a reflection on what was helpful and what was “not clear” follows.
Following the description by Bonnie
Burnard in A Good House,
students have to go to the library and describe their way back to the
classroom. They cannot use the words ‘left, right, north, south, east, west’ or
shared associations and they must pay attention to the sense of directions as
well as to the atmosphere.
“Front Porch” description. After reading “This
is where my world began” by Margaret Laurence they must write about their own experience.
‘Problem page’. They must write about a
problem on a sheet of paper and then they have to answer to another person’s problem.
They are funny or sarcastic problems/advice.
Landscape picture: the students are given
a picture of a landscape and they must write a descriptions in terms of visual.
Then they pass the picture and the writing to another colleague who has to add
a description of the same photo in terms of sound. They pass it again and the
next person writes a description in terms of scent. Then they write a
description in terms of taste and finally one in terms of touch. The person who
started the description gets it back.
Summaries. Summarize a text to the
maximum. To practise that, they have to rewrite a descriptive paragaph by
taking out all that isn’t necessary. The teacher highlights some of the words
that must disappear and they sometimes must add some word or change verb
Landscape picture: this time they must
isolate something that is moving or refers to movement in the picture and they
must describe it. The base is a paragraph in Cormac McCarthey, All the Pretty
Write about the moment you felt you
abandoned the world of children. Read “Janet Waking” which is related to the
topic and work with some more aspects of the poem like title, connotation,
attitude and theme.
A revisión dos ensaios ou traballos que levaron a cabo faise dunha forma
cooperativa. Son revisados polos compañeiros que explican os puntos que eles
consideran mellorables. Moitas veces isto leva a unha reescritura do texto. Ao
mesmo tempo, teñen que entregar outras tarefas relacionadas co tipo de texto que
están a traballar para ser avaliados.
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